Sunday, July 25, 2010

SINGULARITY (or Black and Blue with an Observation by Red)

the days it rained were much easier on blazin kane not to say the ordinary stinkhole didnt emit the occasional waft of hope within a day or two of dry heat kane never cares for such ruthless politeness perhaps forgiveness is a sign of certain vacancy and being alone in a big house is as crowded as solitaire with me myself and I in non possessive form he weeps and forgives nothing as in no thing is worth absolution who said alls fair in love and war was that god it was not kane if he found himself belonging to a place or a thing it felt a bit like clingwrap on sulfur red impositions of lust and sharp kitchenware he would be sworn to murder or reflex catatonia but today it is for kane an easy lean so wet with the fattest of slow cherubic raindrops the nerve to be so gentle as to affect the effect of knowing your soul had a better chance had it not survived the womb today kane would belong to a new fall of rain and the stuff of rain would be traded in for all the inaccuracies of what is termed human life and the slavery thereof who can possibly forgive god for letting things get so far south where is the insurance policy without an umbrella kane cannot be seen weeping as tears have a tendency to blend with thick aerial humidity no one is around to see his nakedness the screams he cannot discern if they are sounding via his throat or that they remain tied loudly within the gender of the day is decidedly hermaphroditic so it may go fuck itself in grand fashion and may all join the festivities a break from the slave act and the face you slide on every morning is beginning to crack around the edges someone ought to sue the maker of the masks as they do not last a lifetime as it plainly states on the label what kind of guarantee omits the fact that the product must shit every 20 minutes for that realistic feel around the nostrils and mouth orifice kane keeps what remains of his mask in his mouth just a pinch between the cheek and gum just in case one of the other masqueraders of superimposed humanity should choose to come in for a closer look but today the rain should suffice such rude and unnecessary scrutiny balloons from his childhood he still cannot explain why would they pretend to exude or transmit any feelings of warmth or joy when they were clearly of evil intent one of three things would happen either they would desert you by floating off into the sky at the first chance of escaping your grasp or they would simply explode if you squeezed them with love or perhaps even the worst of balloon behaviour it would hover and drift about keeping a keen eye until finally withering and dying on your floor like it was your fault for not feeding it kane observed the balloon on the lightpost as if some earlier festive thing had happened on this street he spit up a tiny mask fragment and attached it to the yellow balloons underbelly as the top was relentlessly pounded with heavy raindrops the balloon wheezed the most horrid of indigestive flatulence as it beat about its chain of nylon and the lightpost kane smiled serves you right yella motherfucker beat yourself to death down the street the rainwater collected as the air becomes black so black it appears to not possess any colour at all the absence of colour blazin smiles with thoughts of becoming one with this wet blackness feels like a shadow and everyone knows shadows do not exist in the night kane lays down and pours with the rain into the black the absence of colour into the open nothing

* * * * *

“Okay, stop. Backdafuckup.” Gellac was beside himself with his bed-side manners. Didn’t teach that in med school. “Just want to make sure I’m hearing you correctly,” he said to his friend in the patient’s chair. “You feel as if some sort of personality shift has happened?”

“Yes,” Blue replied. “I’m the same on the outside, but there’s something different. Something missing.”

“And you can pinpoint the moment this happened, the morning you woke from sleep, good sleep, to find yourself different on the inside. A certainty that your perceptions and processing of outside stimuli have been altered.” Pauses, scratching an internal batch of confused braincells, but starting to get it.

“And because of this, you feel…better?”

At this point, Blue is reaching for someway to explain. Explain so his old friend can understand him. Most difficult. He knows he can find the words, but the will to put them in play does not exist. Nor does he care. But a gathering, a re-collection of the patterns he once knew and used seemed in order for this current task. A puppetry of sorts.

“Mmn, not necessarily better, no. I see you. I see my friend from Berkley. I know the world has not changed.” A beat, sofltly,“I know that.” Stares off into space. Office space. Uncaring attention somewhere else. Gaze.

“How do you feel?”


“Yes. What are you feeling now?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you think that means?”

“Cut off. Numb.” Thinking. About numb, pulling strings. “Stunned. My earlier words, better…lighter, are not right. Anesthetized is more accurate.”

“So you feel drugged maybe?”


“Have you changed anything in your diet, something…”

Calmly, as a wall may think about unnecessary flourescent lighting and the philosophies thereof, “It’s not my goddamned diet.” Tears instinctively wish to well. Water is available, but sans pressure to push it. “It’s been two days. I eat food items and shit normal. Talking to you now is a burden and not a matter of reflex or commonality. Honesty at some point must become virtue, so I’m telling you this because I wan’t you to see me for the person I was. Not as I am now.” The pulleys begin to strain and squeak.

“Wouldn’t you see that as a bit problematic for me?”

“I see it as oversimplified.”


“Because both of us study and practice the field of psychiatry. And you know as well as I do what my statements signify.”

“Shouldn’t we try to further investigate the source rather than jump to the easiest conclusion?”

A sound of old chains moving. Floors bending. Headache without the pain. “I believe the conclusion will be predictable. As are your views of my condition. No amount of psychoanalysis will help. My personality has not splintered.”

“What then?”

“Remember that movie…Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Pods from outer space were replacing people with alien life. Exact replicas. That is how I am. Void of emotion, desire.”

“Are you an alien, Blue? Have you dumped your other body in a dumpster?”

“No. I am just Blue. The simple version.”

“You know most cases of multiple personality…one personality usually doesn’t know the other, or others, exist. He or she believes, in whole, they are a singular personality.”


“So you must concede at least the possibility you have encountered a division, a splintering as you put it.”

“This is going in circles and as predicted. I can account for my waking hours. I have no blank periods. No missing time.” A sluggish twist of chains. Large, cumbersome. Blue gets up to leave, strings hiss. “I do not think ill of you, nor kindly. Forget I ever came here, please. I will be leaving now.”

“Going to figure it out on your own? Physician heal thyself?”

“If I were a physician, I would amputate your tongue.”

Red Gellac smiles a bit at assumed humour as his friend exits the office. Smiling denotes the presence of a happy or pleasing emotion. No smile was upon the face of Blue Baxter as he crossed the doorway’s threshold. Is a mask truly a mask if it hides nothing?

* * * * *

other amounts of blackness lackluster and weightlessness of bruised air and undulant liquidity combine swirl cohere and part again kane is comfortably lost in and without confusion that slaves built the concrete flumes and gulleys and reservoirs but home is where you hang your grey matter and a bed is no longer necessary but teeth were becoming a problem how to keep them gathered was as bad as sin gets letting them sink to the bottom here beneath the streets is equivalent to stuffing a long rag down ones throat and pulling out slowly as to absorb all the sickness society has injected since you swam the vaginal canal ahh but where to put the rag dispose of properly I no longer bite but you must forgive my rag as it is used and does not feel well fairly large chunks of the corporate fuck machine are getting clumped in my hair please help kane thinks a police state would get beaten to death by discarded abused rags down here and cry for its mother in a very unbecoming and unnatural way but mother is unforgiving and unable to keep appointments for reprogramming her chip is hot due to overbearance and illbalancing of the superimposition of non professional fuck-its kane knows mother well enough and is exceedingly happy to be rid of her influence a grown man cannot live on pussy and cash alone nossir there must be hammers and laws instilled at or around puberty as to insure a young man may not view objects as women or society as vaginal fingernails are another issue altogether kane lost those upstream somewhere surely to be gathered and used by some not so mild mannered mask with who knows what intent down here suspicions do not sneak around corners or plant psychological fingerprints in a part of the mind that should be throwing unrefined muses or burning old pillowcases due to an overabundance of pazuzu oriented murmurs kanes new friends are of the black absence of color persuasion with a healthy smattering of in the know blather to boot up mothers ass a collective of daiseys and sharp razor metallic objects once used to remove the fetus from the womb at one point when his mask was fairly new kane would dream of a time he could climb back in mother inutero sweet sleep wet slumber but now time has looped into itself and become one long repetition like an alloy umbilicus that will not let go and deliver no sustenance mother smiles and waves bye bye

* * * * *

I’ve done this a million times, Blue thought to himself, walking the outskirts of downtown. I know that billiard hall…the cleaners. Always too much starch. One foot in front of the other, mind your balance and the perpetual effect of gravity. The pesky motions of pulling strings. But necessary. It becomes clear he must make conscious effort to blend in. But he looks like them. In fact, he looks unimpressively boring. In his suit, he almost passes for a Blues Brother, sans the fedora hat. But the sinking feeling – or instinct – that something is wrong is godamned overwhelming, like high-inertia vertigo. How can this be? There is no clinical reference for this. How can he be a successful headshrinker one day and wake up Mr. Spock. He should feel something, even worry or stress over his current condition. But that simply did not exist. Only this foreign will to live and a brain that produces only motor function and emotionless logic.

“I am Generic, the basic man,” he said aloud on west 6th steet. “I can fix your head for a nominal fee, but I can not laugh at your jokes. I can make love to my wife, but I am only performing physical motion. I do not love her. She is useless, except she cooks a rather tasty chicken and doesn’t piss on the lid.”

A part of his memory told him this was intended for humour, that it is mildly and ironically funny, a comic book character. No thing is funny. No more. A very strange world this is. Laughter is considered the best medicine. Wish in one hand and shit in the other, which one fills the quickest? Hitler. ...increases penis size and your libido! A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Have a Coke and a smile. God is watching you and Santa Clause, that creepy fuck, knows when you’ve been bad. Nigger. Shop like you mean it! Build a bigger bomb to keep the peace. Channel 83, the one you take to bed with you. Your world, delivered. Barbara Stanwyck. Puppy love. Exorcism. And for a love gift of only $150 we'll send you this beautiful and great smelling Christ-on-the-cross figurine soap-on-a-rope! Red Bullshit. Good night and I have no choice if the bed bugs bite. We don’t make it ‘till you order it. Famine. Wrestlemania. If a rolling stone gathers no moss then how the fuck do you explain Keith Richards. C’mon, c’mon get happeeeeeeeee…

Put on a happy face.

‘Keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel. Just keep on walking, no one will notice I’ve lost my mind. No one suspects it sprouted legs in the middle of the night and danced it’s way out my bedroom window. Perhaps if I arrange the meat on my face into a smile,’ he thinks as a couple approaches. It worked, they arranged their faces to match his as they pass. Such odd communication. Communion. Union.


He began to experience a sicknees in his head. That vomitous, brain-slithering feeling most commonly associated with fainting and the jittery swoon of extreme horror…but different. This is more akin to repulsion. Repugnant response, spinning. Wheels, cogs churn and clatter. Internal noise. Sick. Wheezing strings.

A young man about to pass. He wears a Starbucks employee pin.

Sick. You.

Blue slugs the kid directly in the face. Nose cartilage shatters sending fragments into the brain. The internal pressure causes one eyeball to bulge and strain out of the cranium. The force blows Starbuck out of his non-skid, non-marking sole compound shoes onto the pavement. He coughs, exhales and stops breathing. Looks like blood, smells like cappuccino.

Instantly the dizzy sick is gone. Complete dissipation. The cure.
(bear with me, it's a work in progress. It's about 1/3 finished.)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Here's EGG in your face

Following is a link for Tapestry Filmscapes first short film Egg, written by Jeremy C. Shipp out in sunny California and shot here in Texas. I had to reduce the file size from 2.79 gigs to less than 500MB, so there is a little bit of loss in quality, but not enough to hardly notice (at least on my screen). Anyway, those of you who wish to link it up and help spread it around, do so, by all means.

The main web addy is:

The reason I'm putting this up is that I've noticed other filmmakers posting their work on the web and getting decent responses. Getting noticed in a larger arena. EGG has been available thru Raw dog Screaming Press (Jeremy's publisher) for about a year and a half and will remain the exclusive seller of the full DVD package that includes the hi-rez version of the movie, 2 behind-the-scenes segments and the music videos. So if any of you would like to get the DVD or check out other stuff from the author, here's the link:

A couple of the reviews for EGG:

On the Party Girl front:
PG apparently did well at The Hudson Horror Show, according to Dustin LaValley, who was in attendance. He says we garnished some hearty applause at the film's finish, something the first 5 films didn't. Very cool! And we have more festivals throughout the year! I am currently working on a PoVid (poetry video) based on John Edward Lawson's 'Where The Heart Isn't', from his book of collected poetry, The Troublesome Amputee. John is an excellent bizarro/surrealist poet and dark fiction author, and owner of Raw Dog Screaming Press. His work, along with Dustin LaValley, Jeremy C. Shipp and many other fantastic authors can be found here:

Iwould have uploaded EGG here in a nice neat little window, but BLOGGER has a 100mb file size limit, which would destroy the quality of the film. Sorry 'bout that.


Monday, March 22, 2010

It heard the alarm...

This post is for the lot of you who are still asleep about what is and what is not. Truth is sometimes simple and rough and unchangeable. Sometimes. If after watching what's in the following link and are not convinced of modern slavery, no matter your status in life, then maybe you should watch more of your beloved television. The movie starts a bit slow, but don't allow yourself to be distracted. Recommended for anyone who needs to wake up. (make sure to click on Zeitgeist: The Movie first. Addendum is the second movie.)

Can't say we were not warned.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

It awoke before dawn, sighs and signs. The sky was an unrestful purple, the result of red eyes and blue skies.

Been a minute since I checked in here. Hello.

A long time ago, I asked God why there has to be so much pain in my life and in the world as we know it. I did receive an answer. Rather quickly.

One of my long-standing favorite bands is Alice In Chains. They have been through hell and somehow still exist to sing about it. The original singer, Layne Staley, died of a heroin/cocaine overdose on April 20th, 2002. He weighed 86 pounds. The last few months of his life are among the most horrifying and sad things I've ever heard or experienced. In my opinion, Layne was one of the best singers that ever lived, so far. I cannot rock out to the band like I used to. That particular transference is over. For almost 8 years I've been haunted with terrible truth; Layne will not sing another song. The music to me now is a ghost.

I just finished a You Tube session with AIC. Couldn't help but cry. Serious weeping. A smile on my face, but pain nonetheless. Pure and universally connected pain. I defy fucking anyone to listen to Nutshell (AIC ep 'Jar of Flies') an not feel it. I dare you. This pain is something that can be plugged into just as easily as happiness or fear or any other of our emotions, given the right outlet.

Here's a link to AIC's MTV Unplugged version of Nutshell:

If after watching this and not having known AIC, I'd like you to comment on what this video did for you, if anything at all. For me, I can't view this stuff more than maybe once a year. It just tears me up. The smile and the sadness.

The answer God gave me was something like this: "It exists because it is an example and motivator for others to use as a platform for brighter things, no matter how small". That's the best way I can describe it.

To each his own, eh.

Maybe I'm just too damn susceptible to these emotion tides because I'm seeing life in it's final phase(s) all around me. Right now. My grandmother is in the back room, bedridden with bad health and dementia and my grandfather is in a nursing home battling a nasty spot of pneumonia, wears a catheter and cannot walk anymore. Both of them are fed thru tubes in their stomachs. Both of them love me very much and both of them wish to die, so the pain will go away.

In about an hour, I'll be in the back bedroom with mother, changing my grandmother's diaper and rolling her to her other side, as to not collect bed sores. I do this with a smile and dreadful emotional pain. I know if I drink a few beers, the pain'll go away.

Some of you may understand. Some of you will not.

I just recently regianed some form of composure in my life and fully intend to inject this current state of emotion disturbance directly into a new short movie project. A long overdue one, concerning poet and good friend John Edward Lawson. It's the only way I know that may have curative value over this wailing hell.

Thank you for listening...J

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Origin of Energy

"It scratched It's hoary goat, gathering muse from some long ago chant in The Ruins."

Hello again.

As of late I've been asking myself what it is that drives me to create and/or to dive in to a fat plate (loco plato!) of someone else's fine works. One of the greatest cinematic movements I've ever experienced is W.P. Blatty's 'The Ninth Configuration', based on his book Twinkle, Twinkle Killer Kane. Short book, big punch. The film (and book) deals directly with existentialism, belief, sacrifice, redemption... and the most controversial word of all time: God. Not to be a dull or irritating proponent of this work, but this movie did change my life. I have carried with me for many years it's beautifully crafted impact and, as a filmmaker, I can only push myself to build something as inspired and moving. This is certainly, for myself, to be considered one of the moving forces in my life. An energy. The word that comes to mind is inertia. My sensibilities were, and are, directly influenced and changed by the energy of this film. Is it transference? If so, once I have created something on my own, is the new work to be considered something new? Not to say this movie was the only Thing that made a difference in my life. Far from it. I'm just using it as an example I can readily use. If you ask any musician, professional or not, what their influences are, you'll get a long, detailed list of musical artists that preceded them and a few of their contemporaries. Same question. Is it transference? Is there anything new under the sun? I believe the answer is yes. And no. Had I been locked in a room, with absolutely no outside stimuli, for all those years before I created anything, would I have been able to make something new, fresh and inventive? Something to be considered referenceless? Would instinct and genetic makeup have driven a new song or visual movement into existence? I do not know. I know I'm sensually attracted to the vibrance and sheer vitality of artists who do not reflect the work of others. Of one of the creative souls I've had the pleasure of working with is Jeremy Shipp. We were actually long distance, electronic friends before we collaborated on a strange and beautiful Thing called Egg. This is not to imply that the other artists I have worked with are of lesser value. Banish the thought! Every single project I've worked on (of my choosing) has in some way or another lit me up like a fucking pinball machine. The first time I read the Egg script, something went terribly awry with my brain for about 10 minutes. I got up from the computer and went outside and smoked and paced and smiled. The thoughts of what could be done with with this story, in a cinematic way, were racing and tumbling at blinding speed. Soooo many possibilities! I was, after all those years of training, discovery, disappointment(s), fascination and minor successes, given a chance to do something original in a cinematic way. And I did not create the story. So on a sub-level of the topic of the origin of energy, I pose myself this: What part did the filmmaking process play in the universal mechanics of the existence Egg? It is, after all, a product and it had to come from somewhere. The written words and story came from a quiet, humble genius named Shipp. The movie, a long, involved and intricate parlay among several artists and disciplines. Hmm. I think the actors are responsible for for the physical character portrayals, the camera guy for the cam movement and angles, the sound department for proper audio, etc., but I think ultimately, the origin of energy for Egg, no matter what happens to the written words (simple readings or on to film), comes from the writer. Why? Because it can stand alone as a written story, no matter of it becoming a movie or not. And this is only one example among a googol.

So, how many of our experiences on the Earth are linked to the past?


We are simple mirrors with a prismatic affect.

In case anyone is interested in Egg or Jeremy Shipp:

Here is the trailer for Egg:

Here's a few pix from Egg:

This is a link to a 10 minute clip from The Ninth Configuration:
...the whole movie has been uploaded there on You Tube, and this is segment 2. Writer/director Blatty has a small role in the film as Fromme, one of the asylum's patients. He can be seen in segment 2 as the 'doctor' telling Stacy Keach to 'follow the yellow brick road'. Most people know Blatty as an author and Oscar-winning screewriter of The Exorcist. Here at this link ( ) you will find Blatty discussing the links between The Exorcist, The Ninth Configuration and Legion (Exorcist III), all of which he wrote and produced, the latter2 directing. Fascinating stuff!

GLARTCH: (v)\ one of many sounds made during a violent session of vomiting.

And so it begins...

'It arranged the meat on It's face to resemble something of a smile. One might call it a wince...or perhaps a grimace. It opened it's eyes and, now fully awake, resolved to reveal Itself to The World."

Well here it is folks, the beginning of my very own blog. I've been thinking about doing this for a while now and just what I'd have to say about Things in general and on the artistic side. Come to realize, I do have a lot to say about some beautiful, cool and artsy stuff and an array of Things that really piss me off or I find simply a bit unnerving. And there's always room for that contemplative grey area...the realm of quiet observation. Even though I consider this to be a journal of sorts, I look forward to meeting and conversing with others of similar psychosis.

Hat's off to KEK-W ( ) over in Yeovil, England for inspiration to initiate this nutty Thing. If anyone has a love or curiosity about some really cool and obscure 70's/80's movies, music, people and literature, please visit his page. Definitely some cool stuff there and a damn good vibe in a universal kind of way.

Today's entry should, I suppose, be something of current value. I just recently re-edited a music video I did for a local band, American Lab Rat. This is the band that lent me a song for a scene in the short film Party Girl (more on that later). The guitarist and singer had prompted me to do this months ago, but I had too much on my plate at the time. Well, they finally tied me up, rolled me out into the Common Square and flogged me until I promised to tie-in the Party Girl stuff in the video. So here it is, after many hours editing and licking my wounds:

If you have a hankering for this type brutality and truth, visit their MySpace page: Guaranteed abuse for all!

Here I would like to cap-off with a New Word for the Day:

CONFLUSTERATION\ken-flustir-A-shun\conflusterate (vb): a mental or emotional state of confusion, fluster and frustration.

...and so ends my first entry! But not to worry, I'll be back rattling my cage soon enough.